

assetto corsa LEDでスピード表示


car mod作成で、デジタルメータ表示は、digital_instruments.iniで定義します。








そこで、ext_config.iniでlua scriptを使って制御する方法を考えました。

CSPのlua SDKをよく調べていくと、carのパラメータとして




---@class ac.StateCar : ClassBase
---@field mass number @Car mass in kg.
---@field steerLock number @Maximum steering wheel angle in degrees.
---@field maxFuel number @Maximum amount of fuel in liters.
---@field exposureOutside number @Outboard exposure from car.ini
---@field exposureInside number @Onboard exposure from car.ini
---@field shakeMultiplier number @SHAKE_MUL value from car.ini
---@field aabbCenter vec3 @Center of AABB (calculated from LOD D or collider mesh).
---@field aabbSize vec3 @Size of AABB in meters (calculated from LOD D or collider mesh).
---@field index integer @0-based (0 for first car).
---@field gearCount integer @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field turboCount integer @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field tractionType integer @0 for rwd, 1 for fwd, 2 for awd, 3 for new awd, -1 for N/A. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field enginePosition integer @0 for unspecified, 1 for front, 2 for rear, 3 for mid. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field brakesBiasLimitDown number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field brakesBiasLimitUp number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field brakesBiasStep number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field year integer @Manufactoring year.
---@field hShifter boolean @True if car has H-shifter in its physics data.
---@field adjustableTurbo boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field brakesCockpitBias boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field extrapolatedMovement boolean @If set to false and you’re adding objects moving close to cars, use ac.CarState.timestamp to estimate dt in such a way that it would match car physics time
---@field extendedPhysics boolean @True if extended car physics is active.
---@field isRacingCar boolean @True for racing cars (cars with class different from “road” or “street”).
---@field isRallyCar boolean @Car counts as rally car if it has a corresponding tag or “rally” in its name.
---@field isOpenWheeler boolean @Check is based on car tags.
---@field isEngineDiesel boolean @Check is based on car tags.
---@field isKunosCar boolean @True if car is standard, from Kunos.
---@field prefersImperialUnits boolean @True for cars from UK or USA.
---@field tractionControlModes integer @0 if TC is not present. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field absModes integer @0 if TC is not present. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field timestamp number @Time of last physics state record, in milliseconds (counting from the same point as ac.SimState.time)
---@field transform mat4x4 @Car physics transformation in world space (does not match body transformation! for it, use `bodyTransform`)
---@field pitTransform mat4x4 @Transformation of pit position.
---@field bodyTransform mat4x4 @Car visual transformation (the one applied to 3D model).
---@field worldToLocal mat4x4 @Inverse of car visual transformation.
---@field position vec3 @Car position in the world (corresponds to 0 coordinate in its model space).
---@field velocity vec3 @Car velocity in m/s.
---@field acceleration vec3 @G-forces, X for sideways relative to car, Z for forwards/backwards.
---@field angularVelocity vec3
---@field localAngularVelocity vec3
---@field localVelocity vec3
---@field up vec3 @Vector facing upwards (normalized).
---@field look vec3 @Vector facing forward (normalized).
---@field side vec3 @Vector facing sideways (normalized).
---@field driverEyesPosition vec3 @In-car coordinates for driver eyes position (can be changed by user).
---@field gas number @Throttle, from 0 to 1.
---@field brake number @Brake, from 0 to 1.
---@field clutch number @Clutch, from 0 to 1 (1 for pedal fully depressed).
---@field steer number @Angle of steering wheel in degrees.
---@field handbrake number @Handbrake, from 0 to 1.
---@field gear integer @Current gear, 0 for neutral, -1 for reverse. Does not go through 0 on sequential shifts
---@field engagedGear integer @Current gear, 0 for neutral, -1 for reverse. Goes through 0 on sequential shifts
---@field fuel number @Remaining fuel in liters.
---@field rpm number @Engine RPM.
---@field rpmLimiter number @RPM limiter threshold, if exists.
---@field speedKmh number @Current speed in km/h.
---@field turboBoost number @Turbo boost value, from 0 and upwards.
---@field drivetrainSpeed number @Speed delivered to wheels.
---@field waterTemperature number @Approximation of water temperature in °C done by original AC.
---@field minHeight number @Minimum allowed ride height in meters.
---@field restrictor number @Restrictor.
---@field ballast number @Ballast in kg.
---@field cgHeight number
---@field wheelsOutside integer @Number of wheels outside of allowed area.
---@field engineLifeLeft number @Engine life left (1000 for new engine, breaks at 0).
---@field damage number @Damage values from 0 to maximum collision speed in km/h for four different zones (fifth one is not really used). 5 items, starts with 0.
---@field gearboxDamage number @Gearbox damage (0 for new gearbox, 1 for non-functional).
---@field nodeIndex integer @Car index if 0 is nearest to camera, 1 is second nearest and so on.
---@field visibleIndex integer @Car index if 0 is nearest to camera and visible in main camera, 1 is second nearest visible and so on. Cars outside of main camera would have 255 here.
---@field activeLOD integer @0-based index of visible LOD.
---@field distanceToCamera number @Distance to camera in meters.
---@field splinePosition number @Position of car along the track, 0 for starting line, 1 for finishing line.
---@field driftPoints number @Drift points (calculated in any racing mode).
---@field driftInstantPoints number @Drift instant points (calculated in any racing mode).
---@field driftComboCounter integer @Drift combo counter (calculated in any racing mode).
---@field collisionDepth number @How deep is current collision, in meters (generally it’s better to use change of car speed to estimate collision intensity though, depth is much less predictable).
---@field collisionPosition vec3 @Coordinates of current collision in car space.
---@field collidedWith integer @0 for track, non-zero for cars.
---@field lapCutsCount integer @Number of lap cuts in current lap. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field lastLapCutsCount integer @Number of lap cuts in last lap.
---@field aiLevel number @AI level from 0 to 1 (or -1 if there is no AI).
---@field aiAggression number @AI aggression from 0 to 1 (or -1 if there is no AI).
---@field currentSplits integer
@Time for different splits of current lap, in milliseconds. Items start with 0. To get number of elements, use `#state.currentSplits`
---@field lastSplits integer @Time for different splits of last lap, in milliseconds. Items start with 0. To get number of elements, use `#state.lastSplits`
---@field bestSplits integer
@Best splits times (and not splits of best lap), in milliseconds. Items start with 0. To get number of elements, use `#state.bestSplits`
---@field bestLapSplits integer @Splits times of best lap (not necessarily best split times in itself), in milliseconds. Items start with 0. To get number of elements, use `#state.bestLapSplits`
---@field wheels ac.StateWheel
@4 items, starts with 0.
---@field isActive boolean @True if car is currently active (changes to `false` for disconnected cars if server does not have them visible).
---@field isConnected boolean @True if car is currently connected (cars can be disconnected online), or if car is not a remote one.
---@field isRemote boolean @True if car is controlled by another player online.
---@field isAIControlled boolean @True if car is controlled by AI (or that autopilot thing).
---@field isLapValid boolean @True if current lap is valid. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field isLastLapValid boolean @True if last lap is valid.
---@field isCameraOnBoard boolean @True if camera is inside this car.
---@field isInPitlane boolean @True if car is in pits area.
---@field isInPit boolean @True if car is parked in its pit stop place.
---@field isRetired boolean
---@field isEngineLimiterOn boolean
---@field isGearGrinding boolean
---@field headlightsActive boolean
---@field brakeLightsActive boolean
---@field flashingLightsActive boolean
---@field hornActive boolean
---@field focused boolean
---@field focusedOnInterior boolean
---@field isHidingLabels boolean @If you’re drawing a map, don’t show cars with this flag on (those would be inactive cars or, for example, cars acting like traffic). Flag can change during the race
---@field isDriftBonusOn boolean @Drift bonus flag (calculated in any racing mode).
---@field isDriftValid boolean @Is drift valid (calculated in any racing mode).
---@field isRaceFinished boolean @Car has finished the race.
---@field hazardLights boolean
---@field turningLeftLights boolean
---@field turningRightLights boolean
---@field turningLeftOnly boolean
---@field turningRightOnly boolean
---@field lowBeams boolean
---@field extraA boolean
---@field extraB boolean
---@field extraC boolean
---@field extraD boolean
---@field extraE boolean
---@field extraF boolean
---@field kersCharging boolean
---@field kersCharge number
---@field kersInput number
---@field kersCurrentKJ number
---@field kersMaxKJ number
---@field kersLoad number
---@field distanceDrivenTotalKm number
---@field distanceDrivenSessionKm number
---@field poweredWheelsSpeed number
---@field batteryVoltage number
---@field oilPressure number
---@field oilTemperature number
---@field exhaustTemperature number
---@field wiperModes integer @Number of wiper modes, no less than 1 (wipers disabled state counts like a 0th mode, all cars would have that).
---@field wiperMode integer
---@field wiperSpeed number
---@field wiperProgress number
---@field bodyWetness number @How wet is car exterior, approximation from 0 to 1 (actual wetness is in 2D map).
---@field compass number @Angle of where car is heading, from 0 to 360 (0/360 for north, 90 for east, etc.)
---@field lapTimeMs integer @Time of current lap in milliseconds.
---@field bestLapTimeMs integer @Time of best lap of this session in milliseconds.
---@field previousLapTimeMs integer @Time of last lap in milliseconds.
---@field lapCount integer @Number of completed laps in this session, including spoiled laps.
---@field currentSector integer @0-based index of current track sector.
---@field previousSectorTime integer @Time of previous sector in milliseconds, or 0 if it’s a first sector.
---@field racePosition integer @Position of a car in the race, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc.
---@field estimatedLapTimeMs integer @Based on best lap and performance meter (delta of this lap time vs best lap time).
---@field performanceMeter number @Performance meter comparing this lap with best, seconds.
---@field performanceMeterSpeedDifferenceMs number @In AC performance app, there is that red/green bar, it shows this value.
---@field sessionLapCount integer
---@field compoundIndex integer @Index of currently selected tyre compounds.
---@field sessionID integer @Index of a car in an online race (differs from regular car index: sessionID is an index in entry list, but car.index of your car is always zero)
---@field physicsAvailable boolean @Cars in replays, or remote cars online do not have regular physics component running, so some data will be missing. Such fields are marked as physics-only in comments.
---@field speedLimiterInAction boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field absInAction boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field tractionControlInAction boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field hasUserBrakeBias boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field hasEngineBrakeSettings boolean
---@field hasCockpitMGUHMode boolean
---@field hasCockpitERSDelivery boolean
---@field hasCockpitERSRecovery boolean
---@field drsPresent boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field drsAvailable boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field drsActive boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field kersPresent boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field kersHasButtonOverride boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field kersButtonPressed boolean @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field mguhChargingBatteries boolean
---@field mgukDelivery integer @Starts with 0.
---@field mgukDeliveryCount integer
---@field mgukRecovery integer @From 0 to 10 (for 100%).
---@field tractionControlMode integer @0 for disabled TC. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field absMode integer @0 for disabled ABS. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field engineBrakeSettingsCount integer
---@field currentEngineBrakeSetting integer
---@field fuelPerLap number @Uses original AC fuel estimation. Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field speedLimiter number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field differentialPreload number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field awdFrontShare number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field awdCenterLock number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field drivetrainTorque number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field drivetrainPower number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field brakeBias number @Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`)
---@field turboBoosts number @Values per each turbo, up to 8 (if there are less turbos in a car, rest are zeroes). Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`) 8 items, starts with 0.
---@field turboWastegates number
@Values per each turbo, up to 8 (if there are less turbos in a car, rest are zeroes). Physics-only (see `ac.CarState.physicsAvailable`) 8 items, starts with 0.
---@field tractionControl2 number
---@field fuelMap number @Current fuel map preset.
---@field steerTorque number
---@field ffbFinal number
---@field ffbPure number
---@field ffbMultiplier number @For 100% FFB multiplier, this value is set to 1.
---@field aeroLiftFront number @Aero lift coefficient in front.
---@field aeroLiftRear number @Aero lift coefficient in rear.
---@field aeroDrag number @Aero drag coefficient.
---@field caster number @Caster angle in degrees.
---@field rideHeight number[] @0 for front, 1 for rear. 2 items, starts with 0.
---@field p2pStatus integer
---@field p2pActivations integer
---@field altitude number @Altitude in meters above sea level.
---@field ambientOcclusion number @Ambient occlusion value computed from prebaked data from track’s VAO patch. 0 for car fully shadowed (in a tunnel), 1 for car outside.
---@field carCamerasCount integer @Number of F6 cameras.
---@field currentPenaltyType ac.PenaltyType @Current penalty type (set only for user car).
---@field currentPenaltyParameter integer @Parameter of current penalty (role depends on penalty type).






function update(dt)
  if car.speedKmh > 25 then
      pos = vec2(0, 0),
      size = vec2(128,128), 
      color = rgb(1,1,1)
      pos = vec2(0, 0),
      size = vec2(128,128), 
      color = rgb(0,0,0)




ですが、かなりダサい実装です。本当はSPEED_SWITCHみたいなパラメータを定義してscriptファイルを読み出して実行させるというのがスマートですが、ext_config.iniで定義したパラメータをlua scriptに渡す方法がわからず、止まりました・・・。




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